Adviser 3.0

Drawdown As It Should Be - RECAP

Written by Hana Dickinson | Mar 21, 2024 2:44:47 PM

Drawdown is almost 30 (believe it or not) but hasn’t changed much. Difficulties advisers faced years ago many still face today: Illustrations; forms (and signatures); reliability of payments. But platform technology is helping to turn the corner.

In this webinar, Andrew gave a demonstration of drawdown as it should be: easy, reliable, and flexible. He included tips and guidance on how to make the most of the functionality that was beginning to emerge.



During the webinar, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of drawdown by delving into its historical context and the issues it aimed to address. Exploring the origins of drawdown, attendees were taken on a journey through its evolution and the problems it sought to solve over time.

Moreover, the session provided valuable insights into the obstacles that have traditionally impeded a seamless drawdown experience for both advisers and clients alike. By identifying these challenges, participants were equipped with a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in drawdown strategies, ranging from regulatory constraints to fluctuating market conditions.

Furthermore, the webinar shed light on the pivotal role of technology in reshaping the drawdown landscape and enhancing client outcomes. Through an exploration of cutting-edge technological advancements, attendees gained valuable insights into how innovative solutions are revolutionizing the drawdown experience. From sophisticated algorithms to intuitive platforms, participants learned how technology is empowering advisers to navigate the complexities of drawdown with greater precision and efficiency, ultimately leading to improved outcomes for clients.